Live Your Life and Forget Your Age
Oh boy, here we go. Let's talk about the daunting topic of aging.
Dun- Dun- Dunnnnnnnn!!
Don't get me wrong, I find aging to be a wonderful thing, a blessing even... but it can be nerve-racking and hard to accept at times.
*Side note: I recognize that not everyone has this outlook on aging but this is for the ones who do.*
Society makes us think that if you reach a certain age then your life is "over". Especially for those in our twenties and the 30 age mark seems like your life (more so, youth) is going to be completely over.
But regardless if you're in your teens, 20's, 30's, 50's, and so on- each age is just the beginning of the unexpected. Although the unexpected can be considered as scary, it can also be considered as beautiful.
I'm going to be turning 25 soon and it feels so weird to think about because I feel like an adult-teenager. And sometimes your mind can be stuck in a place where your age isn't.
It feels like there's this constant pressure of knowing how to "adult" when you reach a certain age. It would be so much more easier to have a blueprint of what adulting looks like and how to predict everything that happens so we're able to maneuver it with flying colors.
But we know, (especially within the whimsical waves 😉) that's not true. There's so many individuals who are older than me that I've came across who still are true to their inner child and do the things they want to do regardless of their age.
I'm not going to sit here and say that it's easy to accept because it's not. It can be hard to accept that the person you once saw in the mirror now has wrinkles that are unfamiliar. But I don't think it's something that should be considered as bad, afraid of, nor hidden.
It's proof that you've lived and are continuing to do so. With each age, comes new experiences, new lessons, new levels of health, and more wisdom so it makes sense that your body will adjust.
So what if that's what aging is all about? Embracing all the aspects of ourselves with everything that comes with it? Every scar, every roll, every pound, every white hair, every crinkle, every - everything is telling our story that only we can truly accept.
I believe we were meant to live our lives to the fullest so... who the (excuse my french) fuck cares what society thinks? Accepting who's looking back at you in the mirror is the first step to living a life you genuinely can be proud of living and to look back on.
So honor the person you were before and the things you had to do to be the person you are now because you wouldn't be who you are now without who you were then.
If there's something you've always wanted to do- fucking do it! (Legally speaking, of course.)
Instead of dwelling on your age, shift your focus on the present moment.
Stop worrying.
Personally, I've wasted so much time in a state of worry and then everything turned out to be okay in the end. We have nothing but time so live your life in the truest form of what that looks like to you because you only get one.
And of course there's responsibilities you must cater to that may make you feel like time isn't in your favor to do what you love in the mist of it all.
But that's where planning comes in. See how your day is. If you can squeeze in just a few minutes of what you love to do everyday, then do it.
Consistency is key.
Baby steps are still steps. Nurture what you love and see it slowly flourish. You've came too far in your life to be a host in your body and have life string you around like some puppet. Take the strings and control your own life.
Once you take control, then and only then will you begin to see your ascension instead of your pessimism with each upcoming age.
Happy candle blowing 🎂
-Ruth ✌🏾